The church picnic was canceled for rain. Sep-15,2013 We had a lunch at the CS room after tne morning service. |
Mr Ramor, a member of JICA, attended wroship service . Aug-25,2013 He came to Tokushima church, seeing a homepage. |
We had a English Fellowship Time. Aug-18,2013 |
Pastor Rev.Osada, Takamatsu Easte church, and Elder Mr. Shiba, Aug-11,2013 Sakaide Hanzan church, came to the Tokushima church. |
English Fellowship Time(英語礼拝)を行いました。 2013年7月28日 |
We had a Oya Cafe. Jul-26,2013 We ate handmade cakes and drank coffee. And we talked about the child-rearing. |
Usually, it is made to speak in short time about the Bible Jun-23,2013 which also understands children at the beginning of worship at the 2nd week and the 4th week. |
Mikko Goes to Heaven (also referred to as MGtH) is May-31,2013 a christian gospel band from Finland. They came to Tokuchima church and had a gospel concert. We had a good time. |
Missionary Stephan had a worship service in Japanese. May-26,2013 Missionary Stephen's English worship(English Fellowship Tme) was also performed from 2:00 p.m. |
The pizza party was held by youths. We made the pizza and eat them. May-19, 2013 We celebrated Mr. Kile on his birthday. |
We had a Round-table conference. Apr-14,2013 We discussed the worship service and the meeting of the church. |
We had a Happy Kids Easter celebration. Apr-6,2013 We enjoyed singing a English songs, playing games, egg-hunting and doing cookie decoration . |
We had a easter worship service and celebration. Mar-31,2013 We enjoyed niko, guiter ,egg-hunting and games etc. |
Mr Okada joined Tokushima church members. Feb-3,2013 We had a member general meeting in Tokushima church. |
The youth member of the hirano chapel came to Tokushima church. Dec-27,2012 We held the praise meeting and had a diner, |
Christmas worship and a congratulation meeting were held by Dec-23,2012 the Stephen missionary's talk. There was a performance of an erhu, a guitar, an ukulele, and an ocarina. We also had a christmas pageant. |
The north Shikoku union ladies' society was held. Nov-23,2012 Session worship was Rev. Kataoka and the lecture was Rev. Miyatake of the Geiyou church (Kouchi). The churches of 12 of Ehime, Okayama, Kagawa, and Tokushima gathered. There were 71 participants(include childeren). |
It was a sermon of the Tobey missionary who came back from Sendai . Nov-11,2012 Dr. Gideon and Ms Elsabi from Mission Japan South Africa came to Tokushima church and participated in the worship service. |
In the Tokushima Christianity Cemetry (Bizan), person who was raised to heaven Nov-4,2012 memorial day joint worship was performed. |
Rev.Osada (Takamatsu-East church) preached a sermon. Oct-21,2012 The Van der Watt family came back to Tokushima from Tohoku. We also had a English Fellowship Time. |
Ms Kimiko Gotou (Kouzou-ji church) preached a sermon. Sep-2,2012 |
The 4th English Fellowship Time was held. Kyle did a proof. Joanna was
a chairman. Aug-26,2012 |
It was a sermon of the Tobey missionary who came from South Africa. Aug-12,2012 |
We held the Joshua & hope 's farewell party. Jul-28,2012 |
Some anglers went fishing to Oomiko seashore. Jul-21,2012 |
Congratulation of the birthday was carried out by the volunteer. |
After the worship service we have a meal, and it was held a debrief session May-27,2012 of Gambia by Ms Kawasima. And for the first time we had a English fellowship time (PM2:30 〜 Missionary:Rev. Stephan). |
Mr. Ooki(Theology student) had a special easter message. (Easter worship service) Apr-8,2012 We celebrated Easter to have paper pappet theater, sing an English song, and enjoy game. |
Mr and Mrs. Kataoka reported the visit to South Africa by PowerPoint. May-18, 2012 |
Missionary Stephan had a Jpanaese worship service. May-11, 2012 In the afternoon he introduced the family seminar that were planning to have in the future. |
We held the praise meeting of Mission Sudachi in Tokushima Church. Feb-4, 2012 There was also Pastor Rev.Kataoka's message. |
We had a farefell party for Missionary Tobie and Annalie Jan-8,2012
who would move to South Africa. We(Tokushima and Tokushima-West congrigations)
thanked for their big works and influences, and we missed them. |
We had a christmas worship service and celebration. Dec-25,2011 We had
a pedobaptism and a baptism. About 80 people participated in that. |
We had a christmasworship service and party for children.
Dec-18,2011 We enjoyed panel theater, christmas songs(English and
Ocarina performance) ,Juggling and games.About 55 people participated in that |
We had young men and women's association in the Tokushima-west
church. Nov-23,2011 The lecturer was Pastor Rev. Minoru Yoshida(Kobe nagata
church) and the theme was "an intersection." |
Young men's association of the Tokushima church
Oct-23,2011 participated in the barbecue party of the
Tokushima-West church After the lunch we went to the Seibu park and did the
Frisbee.(Ultimate) |
The Takashi Yoshida pastor of the Sakaide Iiyama church
worshipped Oct-16,2011 by lecture platform exchange. From the South
Africa reformer church, since Mr. Peter was convention attendance, he was
absorbed in Japan, and he attended worship of the Tokushima church. We had
the welcome party of Pastor Peter and Paster Yoshida. We enjoyed an ocarina
performance, children's praise and a performance, and South African song. We
danced together. |
There was a report of (from July to September) after worship
9-Oct,2011 for northeastern (stricken area) three months of
Missionary Rev.Tobie. |
We had the delicious meal which women prepared. |
There was a report of the duty of the Missionary Rev. Stephane
25-Sep,2011 in South Africa after worship service. He(and his family)
went around South African 59 places in three months of from June to August,
and it seemed to travel 10,000km. We were given the cards which South
African children made for a souvenir. |
When having cleared up, it was scheduled to picnic from the afternoon,
18-Sep,2011 but it was stopped for rain. So Lunch was eaten at the church
and the game of Wii and praise were carried out. |
We saw the movie "Chronicle of Narnia" at the church,
30-July,2011 and ate curry on Saturday afternoon. |
From left to right , Tailand curry (Coconut milk ON), Indian curry (vegetables
are full), Saffron rice, and Vermont Curry. |
We had the worship service where the preach for children was included.
Jun,19-2011 After the service we had a CS meeting for young men and women. After the lunch (Hot dogs,french fries and juice),we enioyed to play the game
(Wii sports--tennis). |
The lecture meeting was held by Miwa in the Okinosu Hotto
Chapel. Jun,18-2011 She lectured for the teachers of christian school and the use method of picture
book without character. |
After the service, Kazumi's welcome party was held in the Tokushima
church. May,1-2011 |
Kei sensei and Kazumi san's wedding and tea parties were held Apr,25-2011 in the Tokusima church. Participants of the wedding were about 110 people. |
Pastor Rev.Andre had a special easter message. (Easter worship
service) Apr,24-2011
The outreach group of the La Rochelle congregation preached, sang songs, and
danced. 53 people joined the worship service. |
The outreach group of the La Rochelle congregation came to Tokushima.
Apr,21-2011 They contributed to sharing the Light of Jesus Christ by means of
music, dance, mimic, preaching and prayer. They are going to stay in Tokushima until Aprli,24-2011(Easter). |
Tobie sensei cousin's family came to the Tokushima church. Apr,10-2011 We had a luch together . |
In the prayer meeting,Tobie, Stephan and Kei sensei reported Apr,7-2011
visits in Sendai church of a East Japan great earthquake. |
After the worship service, we held the chow main party to
lunch. Feb,27-2011
After the lunch Miwa san explained the experience and learning during three
months in South Africa.
---> Reference:A Blessed Trip to South Africa |
We had a pedobaptism and a elder employment. Feb,13-2011 |
We had a social gathering of Shikoku Youth men's association Jan,22-2011
Okayama,Kagawa and Kochi members came to Tokushima. We had a lunch and went to
play boring. 14 people participated. (Tokushima and Tokushima-West members are 6) |
Missionary Stephan worshiped in Japanese for the first
time. Jan,9-2011 The title was "From thorn tree to vine tree". He used powerpoint. |
We had a christmas party for children. Dec,23-2010
We enjoyed christmas songs(English and Ocarina performance) and a puppet
and games.About 40 people participated in that |
We had a christmas worship service and celebration. Dec,19-2010
We had a good time to listen to the christmas song(Sweden,English,Africans
and Japanese),
and had games.About 50 people participated in that |
The Du Plessis family from Hoopstad visited Tokushima church. Sep
26, 2010
Their local congregation (Dutch Reformed Church), in conjunction with Mission
Japan's management, are sending them as official delegates to pay us a
week's visit. |
We enjoyed a picnic in the oomiko coast. Sep 20,
27 people participated in that. We fished, did the barbecue, broke off
the paper folding
and deepened friendship. The bingo played a game all at the end. |
Mr. Stephan performed to local TV program "Gogikaru" of the Shikoku television. Jul 1, 2010
He played the mini-bubuzera and introduced South Africa. |
After morning services we celebrated the birthday of Cornelius. Jun 13, 2010
He danced according to the Anpanman-march. |
We enjoyed playing tennis as the Sunday School Event Jun
in the Tokushima Central Park.
22 people participated in the tennis rally. We thanked Mr. and Mrs. Terauchi who gave us ice-creams. |
3 delegates from Mission Japan South Africa, namely Dr. Gideon van der
Watt May 2, 2010
(Secretary), Rev. Victor Pillay (Chairperson) and Rev. Johann Winterbach (Member of the Executive,
specifically responsible for missionary care-giving) came to Tokushima
church and did a presentation
on South Africa Church and mission. |
Happy Easter Apr 4, 2010 |
Worship Service Apr 3, 2010 |
We had a informal social gathering after love feast. Feb
28, 2010
We talked about what we should do to aim at missioned service for outside
and the service that
considered the senior citizen, the child and the newly-arrived association
person. |
We went to Karaoke and played table tennis. Feb 27,
20 people participated in that game. |
Ms Kawasima reported about her activity in Gambia (West Africa). Dec 27, 2009 |
We had a Christmas celebration. Dec 23,
We heard christmas short message, and enjoyed games and music. |
Paster Rev.Doi had Christmas worship service in Tokushima Church. Dec 20, 2009 |
We had Christmas worship service for childeren and pedobaptism for Cornelius.
Dec 13, 2009
We celebrated his pedobaptism and after services we ate sandwiches and
cakes. |
We had a mission work meeting. Oct 25, 2009
Kobus Gerber, the General Secretary of the Dutch Reformed Church of South
shared greetings from his church. |
We had night of music and message. Oct 24,
We enjoyed singing a song and listening to the music. ocarina, accordion,
Hawaiian guitar, samisen,'Niko'. |
We enjoyed a picnic in the Kamiyama forest park. Sep 21,
37 people(from 4 church) were there.
After lunch, we sang together, listened to the music and played valleyball. Fun, fun, fun! |
We had a farewell party for Mr Kataoka in Tokushima church. Aug
30, 2009
Tokushima and Tokushima-west Church members have missed him. |
Mrs, Carina and Annlie moved in Tokusima Church. Aug 23, 2009 |
We enjoyed playing tennis as the Sunday School Event Aug
17, 2009
in the Uchinoumi Park(Naruto City).
13 people participated in the tennis rally.
After tennis, we had supper (curry and rice) in the day campground. |
We had a social gathering of Shikoku Youth men's association Aug 1,
in the youth hostel in oomiko coast.
We did fishing, the barbecue and played valleyball. |
Mr Kataoka ,Seminarian came to Tokusima. July 5, 2009
He will serve for two month (July, August) at Tokushima and Tokushima-west
Church. |
We had one day meeting in the youth hostel in oomiko coast.
May 6,2009
We read the Bible, hymed, saw the slide of the South Africa visit group
and played valleyball. |
We had a farefell party for Mr and Mrs Okamura who would move to Nara pref.
We thanked for their big works and influences, and we missed them. May
3,2009 |
Pastor Rev.Doi had a special easter message. (Commemorative Photo・Easter
We had a welcome party for Stephan, Cariena and Annlie. Apr 12,2009 |
Today, Mr Park ,an elder of Korean Church,
came to the Tokushima Church.
He runs around the world. He made an
interesting speech, We enjoyed a lot. Feb 22,2009
Christmas Meeting Dec 23 ,2008 |
Chirsitmas worship Dec 21 ,2008 |
The exchange meeting in Tokusima Church Dec 7 ,2008 |
Photo in Toksushima Church(12/7) Photo in front of the bowling
space(12/6) |
The exchange meeting in Tokusima (Sangenya)
Dec 6 ,2008 |
Nov 27,2008 |
We enjoyed fishing in Naturo City ( fishing float)
We catched fishes .(sea beams, sardines, horse mackerels, halfbeaks, etc) Nov 3, 2008 |
Ms Ieyama , student of Kobe Reformed Seminary, reported about her stay
in South Africa.
Oct 26, 2008 |
Youth members of Okayama-West Church came to Tokushima Church.
We enjoyed a barbecue party.
Sep 14, 2008 |
We enjoyed playing tennis as the Sunday School Event.
Aug 9, 2008 |