
What is Christianity? Q&A

 Q1`Q4  Q5`Q8  Q9`Q12  Q13`Q16  Q17`Q22

ANSWERS BY SUDO sensei (previous pastor of Tokushima church), revised by Tobie De Wet, present missionary with Tokushima church.

‚p‚PDhChurch,h what is itH

‚`‚PDIn Japanese you say gKYOUKAI (church).h But you also call a society or an
@ @ asociation a gKYOUKAI.h

@@i‚PjIn a SOCIETY or ASSOCIATION (gkyoukaih) people with the same goal ge
@ @ together and work together in achieving that goal. Of course itfs a
@ @ wonderful assembly (meeting) with a wonderful purpose.

@@i‚QjThe CHURCH (gkyoukaih) is also an assembly (meeting) of people. We are
@ @ people who believe in Jesus Christ (sharing the same faith) and who wish
@ @ to serve Jesus as our Savior and Lord. In the church we also have many
@ @ people who are not yet members but who are interested in Christianity and
@ @ in Jesus. This also is a wonderful assembly (meeting) with a wonderful
@ @ purpose.


‚p‚QDWhat exactly is a church doingH

‚`‚QDBasically 3 things:

@@i‚PjWorshiping God.
@ @ In a WORSHIP SERVICE we sing hymns (Christian songs), pray and listen to
@ @ a message from the Bible (sermon). Itfs a wonderful time to spend in the
@ @ presence of God.

@@i‚QjFellowshipping with one another.

@ @ We share our faith with one another, discuss the Bible message, help and
@ @ encourage one another.

@@i‚RjReaching out to other people.

@ @ There are many people who are suffering physically and spiritually, people in
@ @ need, people without God and hope. From the church we reach out to
@ @ people, sharing Gods love, Gods Word (the Bible message) and Gods help
@ @ and salvation.

@@@@ You might find something that will change your life !

‚p‚RDWho is allowed into the churchH

‚`‚RDWOW !! Of course anybody and everybody are welcome!!

@@i‚PjFirst visitors are always MOST WELCOME.
@ @ OK, we realize most people donft even think of ever visiting a church.

@@i‚QjWhen you go to church for the very first time it is very natural that you
@ @ might not understand much. But donft worry, their will always be someone
@ @ who will kindly explain and help you.

‚p‚SDWhat should I take with me when going to churchH

‚`‚SDPlease come just as you are, empty-handed.
@ @ In the Worship Service we use the Bible and the Hymn Book, but donft
@ @ worry, it will be provided.
‚p‚TDWhat kind of book is the BibleH@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@

‚`‚TDHave you ever seen a BibleH
@ @ Maybe at a bookstore or on TV or in the hotel room.
@ @ Or perhaps you attended as a young person a Sunday School where you
@ @ saw Bibles and heard stories from the Bible?

‚p‚UDBut itfs TOO THICK to read !

‚`‚UDThatfs true. You need something shorter, something more concise.
@ @ Unfortunately you wonft get that in a normal bookstore. Youfll have to go
@ @ to a Christian bookstore. There you can get the New Testament. It is
@ @ smaller part, but also the most important part of the Bible. And the first
@ @ part of the New Testament tells you the whole story of Jesus in a very
@ @ easy way.
‚p‚VDWhy is the Bible such a thick bookH

‚`‚VDIf you can get hold of a Bible, please open it at the table of contents.
@ @ The Bible consists out of two main parts, the Old Testament and the New
@ @ Testament. Look at the Old Testament: It has 39 books.
Now look at the
@ @ New Testament: It has 27 books.The Bible is actually not one thick book,
@ @ but is a library of 66 different kinds of books !!
@ @ You really donft have to read all the books of the Bible in order to
@ @ understand its main message !! Start with the first books of the New
@ @ Testament.@@@

‚p‚WDWhat is the Bible aboutH

‚`‚WDVery simply said: It tells the wonderful story of Godfs great LOVE for the
@ @ whole world and everybody in the world.
@ @ Itfs a long story because it begins already when God created everything
@ @ millions and millions of years ago.
@ @ It records how God spoke to many people through the ages and told them
@ @ about His love and His wonderful plan of help and hope for our world.
@ @ The climax of this long but wonderful story is the coming of JESUS into
@ @ the world.
@ @ In the Bible we read: For God so much loved the world that He gave his
@ @ only SON so that whoever believes in Him shall be saved.

@ If you have a Bible, please start reading from the fourth book in the New
@Testament part: The Gospel according to John.

‚p‚XDMay I ask something different ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@Back

‚`‚XDYou are welcome to ask anything regarding Christianity, the Bible, the
@ @ church...

‚p‚P‚ODIfm Japanese and my parents are Buddhists. Why should I
@ @ consider ChristianityH

‚`‚P‚ODTOBIE: OK, Ifm not Japanese, so let me ask my Japanese friend,
@ @ SUDO sensei, who was pastor of Tokushima church before I came here:

 SUDO sensei: gI understand the question very well. Of course, before I came
@ @ in contact with Christianity I did not even know the letter gCh of
@ @ Christianity. It all started at Junior High school. My friend invited me to
@ @ a gBIBLE CAMP.h The yellow letters of the word BIBLE CAMP
@ @ interested me and I went.h

‚p‚P‚PDWas is funH

‚`‚P‚PDhVery much fun, yes, but everything was new and I was confused though.
@ @ However, that Christmas I was again invited and I went to church.h

‚p‚P‚QDSo it was fun and interesting. That makes it easier to go.

@ @ But when you go for the first time you only see people who are
@ @ all strangers.And everybody around you are believers. And so
@ @ many elderly people.
@@@ @

‚`‚P‚QDPlease donft worry.
@ @The church is a friendly place. We try our best to make visitors feel at
@ @ home. When you enter there will always be someone assisting you. We
@ @ will help you with the Bible and the Hymn book. Whatever you want to
@ @know, we will explain. You will experience warm hospitality and friendship.

@ @ Please come without any fear. We are waiting.
‚p‚P‚RDBut I donft even have a Bible.

‚`‚P‚RDWe have many New Testament copiesI
@ @Please come and get one. Itfs a present! What about a cup of coffee as
@ @well?

‚p‚P‚SDThank you for the Bible. But the letters are very small. And all
@ @those names of people, why is thatH

‚`‚P‚SDYou probably looked at the Gospel according to Matthew.

@ @People who start reading the Bible for the first time often ask the same
@ @question.People say: We understand a family tree, but that is a little TOO
@ @LONG!I do understand your problem. But please come to a worship service.
@ @Just have a look.
@@@ @
‚p‚P‚TDIs it really OK just to come and have a look ? But, you all sing@ @ @hymns. I donft know a single one. Can I really come?

‚`‚P‚TDItfs so natural that people who come for the first time donft understand.
@ @It was also true of me (SUDO). When I first heard a hymn I thought it was
@ @ very strange. However, these days you often hear Gospel songs. Itfs
@ @ actually quite popular among young people.

‚p‚P‚U Before going to church, isnft there a way of knowing a little more
@ @about churchesH

‚`‚P‚UDWhy donft you have a look at websites of churches. But what do you want
@ @to know?
‚p‚P‚VDAre all churches the sameH
@ @I opened your website and read Reformed Church. What is g
@ @reformedh aboutH@@@@@

‚`‚P‚VDWe can divide all Christian churches in two main groups
@ @‡@ The Roman Catholic church on the one side,
@ @‡A And all the many Protestant churches on the other side.

@ @The Reformed Church is one of the first Protestant churches.

‚p‚P‚WDYes, I know about the Catholic church.
@ @Many of them in Europe, very big buildings, just like castles.

‚`‚P‚WDYour observation is interesting.

@ @You also often see these cathedrals in the movies.

@ @I am indeed wondering myself why they have built such impressive buildings.
@ @The church is actually a humble place where we worship God.

‚p‚P9DWhat about the Reformed Church ?

A 19. The Reformed Church originated from the religious reformation in the 16th
@ @ century. Christians were not happy with the condition of the Middle Age
@ @ church of their time. They wanted to reform the church. They were called
@ @ Protestants.

@ @Maybe you have heard of people like Martin Luther and John Calvyn. They
@ @were well-known Protestants and Reformers of that time.

@ @Some basics of the Reformation and the Reformed churches are: 1) The
@ @Bible
as Word of God has absolute authority 2) Jesus is our only true
@ @Savior 3) We are saved only by faith in Jesus alone. 4) Gratitude should
@ @inspire our daily Christian life and service.5) Our main purpose in life is to
@ @glorify God
and enjoy Him forever.

‚p20DThe other day I visited a bookstore. I saw many books on religion.
@ @ Mostly books on Buddhism but also many Christian books.

‚`20. Ifm happy to hear about your interest in religious books. I will even be
@ @happier if you will investigate Christianity.
There is a very wide range of
@ @Christian books available.

‚p‚Q1DWhat kind of Christian books can you recommend which will also
@ @ be easy to read?

‚`‚Q1DAyako Miura,Shusaku Endou,and recectly Shigeaki HinoharaDDDHave you
@ @perhaps heard of these names?
@ @Many people who have read their books and essays came to understand our
@ @Christian faith well and even became believers themselves.

‚p‚Q2DThere are many different reasons and motivations why people
@ @started to go to church, isnft it?

‚`‚Q2DThat is so. Some read Christian novels or Christian literature or true
@ @stories of people who are believers and became interested. Others start
@ @studying the Bible and thought it to be a very mysterious book with a
@ @powerful message. There are also those who were oppose to Christianity
@ @but who came to ask their questions and seek answers.

‚p‚Q3DI have a friend who started to listen to Gospel music and who
@ @ also wanted to sing gospel songs and went to church.

‚`‚Q3DThere are many in the church who came because they like and enjoy
@ @singing hymns. Actually songs are the voice of your heart. When you feel sad
@ @or when you are suffering or when something touch and challenge you, you
@ @want to sing..Why donft you come and listen to our singing.

@ @And join us in singing hymns. 
