ANSWERS BY SUDO sensei (previous pastor of Tokushima church), revised by Tobie De Wet, present
missionary with Tokushima church.
Q1.”Church,” what is it?
A1.In Japanese you say “KYOUKAI (church).” But you also call a society or
asociation a “KYOUKAI.”
(1)In a SOCIETY or ASSOCIATION (“kyoukai”) people with the same goal
together and work together in achieving that goal. Of course it’s a
wonderful assembly (meeting) with a wonderful purpose.
(2)The CHURCH (“kyoukai”) is also an assembly (meeting) of people. We
people who believe in Jesus Christ (sharing the same faith) and who wish
to serve Jesus as our Savior and Lord. In the church we also have many
people who are not yet members but who are interested in Christianity and
in Jesus. This also is a wonderful assembly (meeting) with a wonderful
Q2.What exactly is a church doing?
A2.Basically 3 things:
(1)Worshiping God.
In a WORSHIP SERVICE we sing hymns (Christian songs), pray and listen to
a message from the Bible (sermon). It’s a wonderful time to spend in the
presence of God.
(2)Fellowshipping with one another.
We share our faith with one another, discuss the Bible message, help and
encourage one another.
(3)Reaching out to other people.
There are many people who are suffering physically and spiritually, people in
need, people without God and hope. From the church we reach out to
people, sharing Gods love, Gods Word (the Bible message) and Gods help
and salvation.
You might find something that will
change your life !
Q3.Who is allowed into the church?
A3.WOW !! Of course anybody and everybody are welcome!!
(1)First visitors are always MOST WELCOME.
OK, we realize most people don’t even think of ever visiting a church.
(2)When you go to church for the very first time it is very natural that
might not understand much. But don’t worry, their will always be someone
who will kindly explain and help you.
Q4.What should I take with me when going to church?
A4.Please come just as you are, empty-handed.
In the Worship Service we use the Bible and the Hymn Book, but don’t
worry, it will be provided.
Q5.What kind of book is the Bible? 
A5.Have you ever seen a Bible?
Maybe at a bookstore or on TV or in the hotel room.
Or perhaps you attended as a young person a Sunday School where you
saw Bibles and heard stories from the Bible?
Q6.But it’s TOO THICK to read !
A6.That’s true. You need something shorter, something more concise.
Unfortunately you won’t get that in a normal bookstore. You’ll have to
to a Christian bookstore. There you can get the New Testament. It is
smaller part, but also the most important part of the Bible. And the first
part of the New Testament tells you the whole story of Jesus in a very
easy way.
Q7.Why is the Bible such a thick book?
A7.If you can get hold of a Bible, please open it at the table of contents.
The Bible consists out of two main parts, the Old Testament and the New
Testament. Look at the Old Testament: It has 39 books. Now look at the
New Testament: It has 27 books.The Bible is actually not one thick book,
but is a library of 66 different kinds of books !!
You really don’t have to read all the books of the Bible in order to
understand its main message !! Start with the first books of the New
Q8.What is the Bible about?
A8.Very simply said: It tells the wonderful story of God’s great LOVE for
whole world and everybody in the world.
It’s a long story because it begins already when God created everything
millions and millions of years ago.
It records how God spoke to many people through the ages and told them
about His love and His wonderful plan of help and hope for our world.
The climax of this long but wonderful story is the coming of JESUS into
the world.
In the Bible we read: For God so much loved the world that He gave his
only SON so that whoever believes in Him shall be saved.
If you have a Bible, please start reading from the fourth book in the New
Testament part: The Gospel according to John.
Q9.May I ask something different ? 
A9.You are welcome to ask anything regarding Christianity, the Bible, the
Q10.I’m Japanese and my parents are Buddhists. Why should I
consider Christianity?
A10.TOBIE: OK, I’m not Japanese, so let me ask my Japanese friend,
SUDO sensei, who was pastor of Tokushima church before I came here:
SUDO sensei: “I understand the question very well. Of course, before I came
in contact with Christianity I did not even know the letter “C” of
Christianity. It all started at Junior High school. My friend invited me to
a “BIBLE CAMP.” The yellow letters of the word BIBLE CAMP
interested me and I went.”
Q11.Was is fun?
A11.”Very much fun, yes, but everything was new and I was confused though.
However, that Christmas I was again invited and I went to church.”
Q12.So it was fun and interesting. That makes it easier to go.
But when you go for the first time you only see people who are
all strangers.And everybody around you are believers. And so
many elderly people.
A12.Please don’t worry.
The church is a friendly place. We try our best to make visitors feel at
home. When you enter there will always be someone assisting you. We
will help you with the Bible and the Hymn book. Whatever you want to
know, we will explain. You will experience warm hospitality and friendship.
Please come without any fear. We are waiting.
Q13.But I don’t even have a Bible. 
A13.We have many New
Testament copies!
Please come and get one. It’s a present! What about a cup of coffee as
Q14.Thank you for the Bible. But the letters are very small. And all
those names of people, why is that?
A14.You probably looked at the Gospel according to Matthew.
People who start reading the Bible for the first time often ask the same
question.People say: We understand a family tree, but that is a little
LONG!I do understand your problem. But please come to a worship service.
Just have a look.
Q15.Is it really OK just to come and have a look ? But, you all sing
hymns. I don’t know a single one. Can I really come?
A15.It’s so natural that people who come
for the first time don’t understand.
It was also true of me (SUDO). When I first heard a hymn I thought it was
very strange. However, these days you often hear Gospel songs. It’s
actually quite popular among young people.
Q16 Before going to church, isn’t there a way of knowing a little more
about churches?
A16.Why don’t you have a look at websites of churches. But what do you
to know?
Q17.Are all churches the same? 
I opened your website and
read Reformed Church. What is “
reformed” about?
A17.We can divide all
Christian churches in two main groups
① The Roman Catholic church on the one side,
② And all the many Protestant churches on the other side.
The Reformed Church is one of the first Protestant churches.
Q18.Yes, I know about the Catholic church.
Many of them in Europe, very big buildings, just like castles.
A18.Your observation is interesting.
You also often see these cathedrals in the movies.
I am indeed wondering myself why they have built such impressive buildings.
The church is actually a humble place where we worship God.
Q19.What about the Reformed Church ?
A 19. The Reformed Church originated from the
religious reformation in the 16th
century. Christians were not happy with the condition of the Middle Age
church of their time. They wanted to reform the church. They were called
Maybe you have heard of people like Martin Luther and John Calvyn. They
were well-known Protestants and Reformers of that time.
Some basics of the Reformation and the Reformed churches are: 1) The
as Word of God has absolute authority 2) Jesus is our only true
Savior 3) We are saved only by faith in Jesus alone. 4) Gratitude should
inspire our daily Christian life and service.5) Our main purpose in life is to
glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Q20.The other day I visited a bookstore. I saw many books on religion.
Mostly books on Buddhism but also many Christian books.
A20. I’m happy to hear about your interest in religious books. I will even
happier if you will investigate Christianity.There is a very wide range of
Christian books available.
Q21.What kind of Christian books can you recommend which will also
be easy to read?
A21.Ayako Miura,Shusaku Endou,and recectly Shigeaki Hinohara...Have you
perhaps heard of these names?
Many people who have read their books and essays came to understand our
Christian faith well and even became believers themselves.
Q22.There are many different reasons and motivations why people
started to go to church, isn’t it?
A22.That is so. Some read Christian novels or Christian literature or true
stories of people who are believers and became interested. Others start
studying the Bible and thought it to be a very mysterious book with a
powerful message. There are also those who were oppose to Christianity
but who came to ask their questions and seek answers.
Q23.I have a friend who started to listen to Gospel music and who
also wanted to sing gospel songs and went to church.
A23.There are many in the church who came because they like and enjoy
singing hymns. Actually songs are the voice of your heart. When you feel
or when you are suffering or when something touch and challenge you, you
want to sing..Why don’t you come and listen to our singing.
And join us in singing hymns.
