
 Welcome to Tokushima Christian Reformed Church

Please join our meetings and activities at the TOKUSHIMA Christian Reformed Church in Sako 2ban-chou.
You are most welcome to attend our Sunday morning Worship Services at 10.30 am.
You will also be very welcome at our Wednesday morning Bible Studies at 10:00 am.
You will also be very welcome at our Thursday evening Prayer meeting at 7.30 pm.
We will start to have a English Fellowship Time on every third Sunday(14:00〜).

We started to have a lunch and Communion and also some program like English fellowship time etc please check schedule.

There is a video"This church in my town" if you are interested in → please click here

                Please click the photo to look at the inside of the church.

Sunday Worship Service schedule and preacher



Worship Service schedule and preacher


 Church Name

 Mont Date  Tokushima  


February 2nd Pastor Furusawa
Feburuary 9th Pastor Furusawa
February 16th Pastor Frusawa Happy kids English fellowship
February 23rd Pastor Furusawa  


Mar 2nd Pastor Furusawa
Mar 9th  Pastor Furusawa    
Mar 16th Pastor Furusawa Happy kids English fellowshi
Mar 23th Pastor Frusawa
Mar 30th  Pastor Furusawa